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  • Writer's pictureCadu Lemos

#12/Conscious Leadership: A Journey into Flow and Non-duality

In the quest for authentic and effective leadership in modern organizations, exploring concepts such as the #flowstate, #nonduality and awakened consciousness can offer a unique and transformative perspective.

In this issue of THE PSYCHONAUT, I want to delve into the synergy of these concepts, examining how a deep understanding of these approaches can awaken, inform and shape conscious leadership.

By recognizing the intimate relationship between flow, non-duality and conscious leadership, we have the opportunity to explore new ways of working, break away from harmful 'command and control' and create healthier organizations.

The Flow State and the Nature of Consciousness

Flow, popularized by psychologist PhD. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is characterized by a deep involvement in an activity, where time seems to disappear and fulfillment reaches its peak. There are countless methods and practices for accessing this desired and long-cherished state.

Right here at ProjetoFlow, we have some programs dedicated to activating flow, especially TFT (The Flow Training) immersion and mentoring.

Recently, I made a provocation here on LinkedIn and on other channels and I notice that this provocation continues to recur with increasing frequency:

What if we considered that we are already immersed in flow all the time?

Consciousness, that pulsating energy that defines us, is inherently fluid. Every breath, every heartbeat, every digestion, every thought, is a unique expression of this consciousness in constant movement.

Uncovering Non-duality in the Flow Experience

Non-duality, which challenges the separation between subject and object, observer and observed, emerges as a vital link in understanding the flow experience. By recognizing that we are essentially the consciousness that observes, we abandon the idea of separation (one of the 6 illusions of the human being, as well defined by the author Katrijn van Oudheusden see here).

Each individual, in their state of flow, becomes a unique point of view of this unified


Non-duality invites us to abandon the illusion of separation and embrace the realization that the true essence of the flow state is what we have always been.

Instead of practicing and seeking to activate flow, we can understand that we are always navigating the currents of the present moment, the only possible reality.

In fact, when we are displaced in time (ruminating on the past or anxious about the future), we are doing so in the present, in the here, now. There is no other time.

This change in perspective leads us to question how we can integrate these principles into the sphere of leadership in organizations.

We often associate access to the state of flow with specific practices, such as meditation, exercise or time and energy management techniques. However, what would happen if we considered that these practices are just reminders, anchor points that help us reconnect with something that is already intrinsically present?

Instead of seeing these practices as means to achieve a desired state, we can understand them as portals to reconnect with the consciousness that already permeates our existence.

This has profound implications for leadership, as it suggests that authenticity and genuine connection with the team can be more powerful than any technique or method.

Connecting Non-duality to Conscious Leadership

By considering non-duality in leadership, we break away from the conventional idea of rigid hierarchy and take on a more holistic perspective. Each team member is a unique expression of the collective consciousness, making a valuable contribution to the whole.

Conscious leadership, inspired by non-duality, recognizes that true strength lies in collaboration and in understanding unexplained or even veiled unity.

Realizing non-duality in leadership also implies breaking with the traditional polarity between individual and collective success. Instead of focusing only on tangible results, conscious leadership seeks a balance between organizational goals and individual well-being. This not only strengthens the cultural fabric of the organization, but also increases the resilience and satisfaction of team members, something that has been widely discussed but is rarely applied.

Authenticity as a Fundamental Pillar

Non-duality in leadership highlights the importance of authenticity. By understanding that each individual is a unique expression of the awakened consciousness of the whole, conscious leaders encourage authenticity in their teams. This creates an environment where members feel valued for being who they are, encouraging the innovation and creativity that come naturally when people feel free to be authentic.

Awakening Consciousness in Everyday Leadership

Conscious leadership in the context of non-duality is not just an abstract concept, but a daily practice. It involves being present in the moment, cultivating empathy (and especially compassion) and recognizing the uniqueness of each person.

Rather than imposing a one-sided view, mindful leaders create space for diversity of thought, fostering an environment that values the unique contribution of each team member.

In addition, consciousness in leadership means being open to continuous (and often self-directed) learning.

By recognizing that consciousness manifests itself through every interaction, conscious leaders constantly seek to evolve and adapt their approaches. This not only fosters a dynamic working environment, but also inspires a collective sense of purpose and growth.

Reflecting on the Journey:

Non-duality in Organizational Culture

When walking the journey of non-duality in leadership, organizational culture emerges as the terrain where these principles can flourish or wither. A culture that embraces non-duality recognizes the interdependence of all members and teams and forges an environment where individual contributions are valued and there is no fear in exposing oneself personally and professionally (another point discussed at length since the pandemic: psychological safety).

In conscious leadership, this understanding translates into daily practices that recognize and celebrate the interconnectedness between all team members. Rather than perpetuating rigid hierarchies, conscious leaders cultivate a culture where diversity is valued and collaboration is genuinely encouraged.

Ultimately, the journey into non-duality in leadership is an invitation to transcend perceived boundaries and embrace the true nature of being. In doing so, we not only improve our impact as leaders, but also contribute to building healthier, more inspiring and resilient organizations, where perhaps the greatest possibilities for transforming society lie.

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